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The most precious gift a parent can give a child is the internal belief that they are “complete and whole” as they are.
Dear Child,
You were born into a perfect image, yet placed in an imperfect world. You will be surrounded soon by lots of other people who were taught about their “imperfect” selves. As a result of this “illusion,” the masses will be forever chasing material things often referred to as stuff, in the hope that these items will fill their void of “what’s missing in my life?” Sometimes, when the stuff doesn’t satisfy, they may chase other people in the attempt to fill their void. “What I have is who I am, therefore, the more I have the more I am.” This mantra will be echoing in your mind no matter what guidance I can give you. In your life’s journey, I can only ask you to challenge this statement daily. To confront this is to help you from drowning in the incessant onslaught of commercials, advertisements and unconscious messages from most of your friends, neighbors and business associates.
Understanding and having ownership of this concept, in my humble opinion, can save you “years of tears and bouts of doubts.” To own this awareness is very difficult. To make this part of your core belief system will require enormous effort. You will be swimming upstream, fighting the perpetual “riptide” and defying gravity.
However, once you truly own this concept, you will feel the freedom experienced by those who have unshackled their shackles after being imprisoned for years.
Unfortunately, this message I am endeavoring to share with you, dear child, is very difficult to teach. It more often needs to be experienced. It is my goal, however, to at least make you aware as early in your life that this pull for more will be with you. Don’t fight it! Embrace it and understand it for what it is. You were born with an ego. Survival requires you to do whatever it takes to take care of “me and I.”
So please remember, dear child of mine, this gift of awareness, to recognize the power of the external world to lure you down the path of “I’m just not good enough,” is a mighty pull. The irony is that it requires no physical strength. It is a mind made magnet.
Your ability to remain aware and conscious of its presence is the life preserver you will need. Staying aware, staying present to its presence, will free you or at least lessen your psychological load. So please read this often. This is my gift. It may appear pale and meager compared to your friend’s family who gave their child a BMW for their sixteenth birthday. Hold strong to this understanding, stay observant and you will see its truth manifest 1000 times over.
Dr. Charles Berg